Celebrate the one-year anniversary of Handpicked at The Soap Factory with an unforgettable night featuring dynamic performances by Mihigh and Ray Mono. This event is destined to captivate with its immersive atmosphere, combining beats that resonate and an ambiance that invites you to dance into the early hours. Join fellow music lovers for a vibrant celebration that showcases the artistry and community spirit of electronic music, all within the unique setting of this iconic venue.
Celebrate the one-year anniversary of Handpicked at The Soap Factory with an unforgettable night featuring dynamic performances by Mihigh and Ray Mono. This event is destined to captivate with its immersive atmosphere, combining beats that resonate and an ambiance that invites you to dance into the early hours. Join fellow music lovers for a vibrant celebration that showcases the artistry and community spirit of electronic music, all within the unique setting of this iconic venue.